Masui Tomohiro
University of Shimane



In exchange between different culture, stereotype often becomes to be an obstacle. So it is important to know clearly that how we are understood and how is the difference from the images to real it for get rid of it. Here, I'll try to draw the image of Japanese as clearly as possible.

The base image of Japanese from others at first, think whole of foreigner have same part of image for Japanese. It is from historical part.

Japan was first introduced in "Gishiwajinden" and widely Known in Europe for "Touhoukenbunroku" written by Marco Polo. In short, it can be Said Japan was discovered as a new land in history. Here, Japan was introduced as an utopia. "ElDorado" in "Touhoukenbunroku", and other, "Flowing white water utopia exist on the east" came down while old Russian farmer. And Japan was regarded as possibility of changing utopia is high in the Christian world. However, there were opinions that Japan was hard to understand by others. When we look back "Touhoukenbunroku" once more, we can see human eating culture is written. And as correct information about Japan spread to European, they sometimes thought Japanese behaved contrary. And then, after the World War "Chrysanthemum and Japanese blade the forms of Japanese culture" influenced image of Japanese greatly. This book takes in culture relativism. Growing up Japanese economic power, "Japanese management" was discussed. This special or myth was discussed by many foreigners, mainly Europeans, but common thing was that it was standard for Europe. Now, European culture has been spread throughout the world, so we often think Europe is standard without our knowledge. As a result, we can think it is hard to distinct it.

The difficulty of identified Russia

At the time of the Soviet Union, many races accepted assimilation to Russia by speaking Russian, and so on. Moreover, many Russian are emigrating in non-Russian countries. For example, one third of Latvian population, two fifth of Kazakh are Russian. In Russian domestic, from center to Siberia it had been long distance historically. The existence likes "God high, the czar far" to Siberian.


Still, common parts exists that the Japanese images from foreign people from accumulation of history. But perhaps it is by one of fixed measure. Simultaneously, to understand Russia is hard by like stated reason. From these reasons, it is difficult to distinguish and show clearly the image of Japanese from Russian. But, the historical accumulation of Japan to Russia relationship, the possibly enough to make another images gradually that not by fixed measure.

Масуи Томохиро
Университет Симанэ, Япония


В сообщении Масуи Томохиро отмечается, что стереотипы часто являются препятствиями на пути культурного обмена. Для того чтобы избавиться от них, необходимо знать об их существовании и о том, насколько они отличаются от действительности.

Япония в описаниях Марко Поло, а также некоторых русских путешественников, выглядит как утопия. Рост экономической мощи Японии после второй мировой войны породил понятие "японское чудо", не отличая при этом истинно японских явлений от европейских заимствований.

Интерпретировать российскую действительность также достаточно сложно, учитывая произошедшую за годы существования СССР ассимиляцию народностей бывших советских республик, а также размеры государства, позволяющие говорить о наличии двух культур: культуры центра и периферии.

Единственным способом преодолеть стереотипы и сформировать объективные представления двух народов друг о друге является рассмотрение двух культур в контексте их взаимоотношений на протяжении длительного времени.